Documento a cura dell' A.S.G.I.
Firenze - Principles of Equality and Challenges of Discrimination Problems and Effective Remedies

Principles of Equality and Challenges of Discrimination Problems and Effective Remedies – Florence – 2-4 April 2014

The program of the training seminar 

The principles of equality and non-discrimination are central to any system of human rights protection. Although international human rights instruments have core equality provisions in common, the interpretation of these equality provisions, the nature of the cases of discrimination and, consequently, the level of development and expertise in each facet of anti-discrimination and equality policy vary considerably. Such variations reflect the politics and imperatives underlying the social systems of different states. The Executive Training Principles of Equality and Challenges of Discrimination. Problems and Effective Remedies provides for the conceptual and normative basis of the struggle for equality and against discrimination through looking at concrete cases. It illustrates steps taken to combat ethnic, national, racial, religious and multiple forms of discrimination, at international, regional and national levels. It assesses the effective access to such remedies and their efficiency. It overall assesses the progress made so far and present examples of good practice from different countries, discussing how there can be policy transfer and learning among different countries within and beyond Europe.

This Executive Training Seminar is addressed to officers of European and international organisations, officers of public administrations, NGO officers, trade union officers. It can also be useful to lawyers, researchers, human resource managers, educators, and any person working in the wider field of migration, minorities, discrimination, affirmative action.

MPG Associate Legal Policy Analyst Lilla Farkas will examine the possible remedies available to discrimination claimants (criminal sanctions, financial compensation, court ordered performance (for example, through individual reinstatement or reengagement, or in the form of instructions to undertake broader structural measure or granting preferential treatment to previously disadvantaged groups), the role of the civil society actors, NGOs etc, legal aid and litigation support groups in the effective enforcement of equality provisions.

Application Conditions and Deadline

The required non-refundable fee for the three-day GGP Executive Training is 500 euros. This fee contributes to the costs of tuition, course materials, lunches and a welcome dinner. No payment is necessary until you have been accepted into the GGP Executive Seminar. The payment is required prior to the programme start date. Accommodation and travel costs, to and from Florence (Italy), are at the expense of the participant or his/her institution. The welcome dinner and lunches included in the programme of the Executive Training Seminar will be organized by the GGP.

The Global Governance Programme offers the opportunity to individuals to apply for a limited number of merit-based scholarships. Applicants can either apply for a partial scholarship (waving of the participation fee) or a full scholarship (waving of the participation fee and a contribution to the travel and accommodation costs of the applicant). Only applicants from developing countries are eligible for the full scholarship. The scholarship is paid out after the Executive Training Seminar. Those who apply for a scholarship need to provide a motivation letter to support their request (see registration form). Click here to apply online.

The deadline for applications is March, 2. Early application is highly encouraged since enrolment is limited.

Info: Migration Policy Group