Documento a cura dell' A.S.G.I.
European Migrant Integration Academy. Reinforcing integration capacities in European cities

European Migrant Integration Academy. Reinforcing integration capacities in European cities.

A course organised by ILO training center for policy planners and officials from local and regional institutions in Europe dealing with social inclusion of migrants. Turin, 3-7 February 2014. Deadline for applications: 30 November 2013.

Application process for EU-MIA is now open!


The European Migrant Integration Academy (EU-MIA) is a research-based co-operative learning and training initiative, organised by ILO (International Labour Organisation) Training centre in Turin. The aim is to involve public officials and local stakeholders in the development and implementation of local-level integration policies in selected European cities. This 5-day training academy intends to  improve the capacity of key actors in the field of integration at city and neighbourhood levels through the presentation of ten functioning practices and sharing of knowledge and experience among practitioners and experts. Additionally, there will be the opportunity of networking and getting in touch with donors at the European level.

EU-MIA will take place in Turin, Italy, from 3 to 7 February 2014.

Download the flyer <>  with more information about the proposed course.

Those who are interested in attending can apply online by filling-in the application form at the following address:


Applications should be supported by a nomination letter from respective institution. Nomination letters are to be sent to:

Applicants should explain in their application form why they consider this course would be of particular benefit to their work. 

The cost of participation of the selected participants will be covered under the EU-MIA project. This includes, travel cost, tuition fees and full accommodation at the Turin Centre.

Applications should be sent no later than 30 November 2013.


For more information, Visit EU-MIA's web site at: