Associazione per gli Studi Giuridici sull'Immigrazione

Statelessness Summer Course at the Tilburg University (4-8 August 2014)


The third edition of the Tilburg University Statelessness Summer Course will take place from 4 – 8 August 2014. The course aims to consider statelessness and the right to nationality from various angles. It will deal with legal and policy issues associated with statelessness. The status of stateless persons, their human rights and international protection will be addressed, as well as ways to research and document statelessness. The course will draw on experiences from many places around the world. In addition, it will take a closer look at a number of specific questions relating to statelessness, such as UNHCR's mandate and work, gender discrimination, and the litigation of the right to a nationality.

Click here to download a flyer with information about the course.

More info available at the Tilburg University web-site.