Associazione per gli Studi Giuridici sull'Immigrazione

Bergamo - Agriculture and migration in the European Union

Agricoltural and migration in UE - Abstract book (208.21 KB)
24 e 25 ottobre 2013 - An event organized in collaboration with l’ORA - Osservatorio sui Segni del Tempo, University of Bergamo

About the event

El Ejido (Andalusia, Spain), February 2000: around sixty Moroccan greenhouse workers are injured during three days of race riots. 
Morecambe Bay (Lancashire, UK), February 2004: 23 Chinese cockle pickers, under contract to a Chinese gangmaster, are drowned by an incoming tide. 
Poscros (Bouches-du-Rhône, France), July 2005: 300 Moroccan, Tunisian, and Chinese seasonal workers go on strike to demand unpaid wages and better housing and employment conditions. 
Rosarno (Calabria, Italy), January 2010: following the wounding of three Sub-Saharan African orange pickers, violent riots break out between immigrants and the local population. 
Nardò (Apulia, Italy), August 2011: hundreds of Tunisian and West African watermelon and tomato pickers go on a two-week strike against their employers and caporali. 
Manolada (Peloponnese, Greece), April 2013: about 25 Bangladeshi strawberry pickers are shot by their Greek supervisors, after they demand unpaid wages. 

These conflicts and tragedies – the most famous in a long list of events that have occurred over the last fifteen years in rural areas across the European Union – have revealed the often dramatic living and working conditions of hundreds of thousands migrant agricultural workers. The events have stimulated a series of reports, inquiries, research projects as well as interventions by activists. 
The purpose of this seminar is to gather researchers from different disciplines and countries, as well as activists, farmworkers and peasants.

Il programma

Si ringrazia Anna Brambilla per la segnalazione