Associazione per gli Studi Giuridici sull'Immigrazione

Lampedusa in Hamburg - No way back to Italy

We need to define a European law on asylum so that asylum seekerscan apply for asylum
in Europe, not in Italy or Greece. (...) The struggle must be fought directly by the people concerned, so that in the near future - not at some point - a fundamental right will be realized: The right to asylum in Europe, not in individual states.” (Salvatore Fachile, 2013)

Italian lawyers report on the situation of refugees in Italy With the lawyers Loredana Leo and Salvatore Fachile from Rome, Speakers of Lampedusa in Hamburg and lawyer Björn Stehn from Hamburg

For several months now about 300 war refugees who fled in 2011 from Libya to Italy live in Hamburg in complete uncertainty. They were forced to leave Italy after the NATO-war in 2011, made their dangerous crossing to Italy, the Italian authorities gave many of them a humanitarian residence permit, some cash or a ticket and forced them to travel further to the north.

The refugees of "Lampedusa in Hamburg" confront the City of Hamburg and the Federal Government with their demand to be included as a specific group by §23 in the German Residence Law in the context of war and NATO intervention in Libya and the humanitarian emergency in Italy. The federal Government claims her rejection with the arguments that in Italy generally appropriate treatment of refugees is guaranteed. Since 2010, more than 250 German administrative courts, decided that a return of refugees to Italy is illegal.

Loredana Leo and Salvatore Fachile are specialized in refugee issues topics especially concerning their living conditions in Italy for already many years. Representatives of "Lampedusa in Hamburg" will also be there and share with us their own experiences.

• No deportations to the edges of Europe!
• Asylum seekers have the right to seek shelter there where they want!
• For a Europe that says Welcome!

Kein-mensch-ist-illegal Hamburg
in cooperation with Wohnschiffprojekt Altona; Stiftung :do; Nordkirche weltweit