Associazione per gli Studi Giuridici sull'Immigrazione

Trier - Annual conference on EU migration law

Si ringrazia  Simonetta Furlan per la segnalazione

This annual conference aims at keeping migration practitioners, judges and civil servants up-to-date by providing an overview of the latest policy developments, legislative initiatives and case law in this field. A particular focus will be placed on the implementation of the Returns Directive.

Key topics
This conference will look at the challenges posed by the implementation of the Returns Directive into national law including:
· Detention for the purpose of removal

· The practicalities of removal

· The effect of entry bans

· Procedural safeguards & human rights implications

The event will also provide participants with an update on recent European legislation as well as the jurisprudence from the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg and the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg in areas such as:

· Family reunification

· Long-term residents

· Seasonal workers

· Intra-corporate transfers

Who should attend?
This annual conference is aimed at lawyers and judges working in the field of migration. It will also be of interest to civil servants working on the practical application of the Directive at Member State level.

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