Associazione per gli Studi Giuridici sull'Immigrazione

Lives Lost in the Mediterranean Sea: Who is Responsible?

Al seminario organizzato dal Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) si discutera'  in merito ai risultati del rapporto sui 63 migranti morti nel mar Mediterraneo, assieme ai  rappresentanti della NATO e dell'Agenzia europea Frontex.

I relatori

  • Keynote speech Tineke Strik, Member of the Dutch Senate, Rapporteur for the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE)
  • Charmaine Hili, DG Home Affairs, European Commission
  • Ana Cristina Jorge, Frontex
  • Simon Cox, Open Society Justice Initiative
  • Sergio Carrera, Senior research Fellow, CEPS
  • Baldwin de Vidts, former NATO legal adviser

Participation in this meeting is free of charge.

Registration will start at 14.30